Are MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) and TDS (Technical Data Sheets) available in all languages?

Technical Data Sheets (TDS) are available in English on our website. Please search for your product on our catalog

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) in English and other languages could be found on the sds website using the dedicated search tool as follow:

  1. Fill the name of your product (mandatory field). Your research must have at least 3 characters in order to get a result.
  2. If known, it is also possible to enter the MSDS number (optional field).
  3. Select your language (optional field).
  4. Select the country whose MSDS regulatory format you are interested in (mandatory field).
  5. Click on "Search"
  6. The results of your search are displayed at the bottom of the page. Click on the name of your product. The MSDS for the product will be downloaded automatically on your device.
  7. To start a new search, click on "Clear".


In case of unsuccessful research, please contact us.

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