Lubrication Services for your Vessel

From digital sampling to online expertise, a comprehensive range of first-class solutions and connected devices to monitor the lubrication of your ship at any time and take the right decisions.


Welcome to our New Solutions Suite

A comprehensive range of tools designed to support ship operators in managing their fleet performance, and ease equipment daily monitoring.

Our solutions are all designed to guarantee optimum efficiency and provide peace of mind.

A New Range of Interconnected Lubrication Services

Discover a brand new suite of fully digitalized, interconnected global on-board lubricant sampling and testing services providing data insights on the health of a vessels’ engine and equipment, helping optimize our operations, enabling onboard and onshore teams to connect and make data driven decisions.

More details

LubPortal - Manage your assets with our dedicated services portals MyLubmarine
LubInsight - Manage lubrication with on-site equipment
LubDiag - Assess lubricant condition and equipment performance with our lab analysis
LubSkills - Call on our lubrication experts for assistance, in-depth investigation and trainigs

Why Choosing Lubmarine Services?

We believe in supporting our customers 24/7 with a commitment to  provide the highest level of guidance and expertise to help  vessel operators  manage their marine lubricants safely and efficiently. 

Lubmarine Lubrication Engineer using a LubInsight Neo kit
Throughout the entire customer relationship, from lubricant planning to analyzing oil performance and condition, our global team of technical experts is at your side.
Our connected devices and digital portals centralized your lubrication data so you can easily monitor equipment condition online and focus on your ship operations.
Choose the best fitted services solution to your fleet operational needs, secure and optimize your vessel’s lubrication and make savings on equipment’s maintenance.
Increased maintenance and lubrication complexity make decision more challenging for ship operators. Rely on accurate lubrication data and Lubmarine expertise to take the right decision.

More about our Services Offer?

Fill in our contact request form and get in touch with your dedicated Lubmarine sales contact.

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