Our Tech’Care TCC iron test kit is saving marine engineers hundreds of hours each year and providing accurate results enabling better feed-rate optimization.
Developed in collaboration with our technical team, the test kit can accurately measure iron content in cylinder drain oil, one of the by-products of cold corrosion on cylinder liner walls. The measurement of iron in the drain oil can be combined with the BN of the lubricant in use to fine-tune the amount of lubricant needed to counter the effects of cold corrosion, extending cylinder lifetimes.
The test kit is creating time savings of up to five hours when testing an average six-cylinder engine – these time savings add up very quickly when spread across a fleet.
The kit also does away with the need for expensive spectrometry equipment – it includes an optical device that measures the color of solutions created by mixing the drain oil samples with non-hazardous reagents. The device determines and automatically correlates the colour of solutions to numeric iron concentrations.
Collection of useful engine data is also being enabled by the test kit. This data is being sent by ships’ crews to our labs in Rotterdam, Singapore, Shanghai and Panama, analyzed by our technicians and driving insights and advice given by our consultant engineers and technical team. Over a period of time, we can build up a detailed picture of the lives of engines in a given fleet and give tailored advice on optimizing lubrication and cost-saving.