Available in ports: Premium Core

Marine high VI hydraulic oil. Meets ISO 6743-4 and DIN 51524-3 HVLP specifications

VISGA 15 is a marine hydraulic oil, particularly recommended for all high pressure and high speed (vane, piston and gear type hydraulic pumps) and for use in all hydraulic equipments operating in extreme temperature conditions, including:
- Remote control systems
- Hydraulic deck machinery
- Steering gears

VISGA range ensures the requirements of the key OEMs by its properties:
High viscosity index and excellent anti-wear properties.
Excellent stability against shearing.
Very high resistance to oxidation.
Excellent anti-corrosion and anti-rust properties.
Excellent water and air release properties.
High resistance to foaming.
Compatibility with all seals.
Excellent resistance to hydrolysis and filtrability under severe applications.


The Visga range meets the specifications of the world's leading hydraulic equipment manufacturers NF E 48603 Class HV, DIN 51 524 Part 3 Class HVLP, ISO 6743/4 Class HV.


  • ISO 15
  • Density @ 15°C 855
  • Density @ 20°C 852
  • Viscosity @ 40°C 15.8
  • PP -42
  • Flash Point COC > 150
  • VI > 150
SDS (safety data sheet website)