Bioneptan HT 100 is the latest stern tube lubricant to be certified by manufacturers including Kemel and is fully compliant with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Vessel General Permit (VGP) regulations. It is scheduled to be in use aboard 235 vessels in the near future.
Total Lubmarine offers a complete range of synthetic ester EALs for use with all marine oil-to-sea equipment interfaces.
Its Bioneptan range of lubricants has been particularly recommended by manufacturers for the lubrication of sliding rolling bearings within stern tubes.
Offering outstanding viscosimetric performances, the lubricants perform in a wide range of operating temperatures, including especially low temperatures, and have excellent anti-wear and anti-corrosion properties.
Bioneptan 100 has been in use since 2013 and is currently used on 1200 vessels. Total has received good feedback from all users, with its worldwide Diagomar Plus lubricant analysis laboratories conducting tests to verify the effectiveness of the lubricant, which is also subject to extensive independent testing.
Arnaud Amiot, the technical engineer at Total Lubmarine responsible for development of the new stern tube lubricant said:
“2735 Diagomar Plus tests conducted on Bioneptan range products have shown consistently good results and no loss of viscosity. Bioneptan HT 100 offers even higher resistance to wear and oxidation. It is an excellent addition to the already successful Bioneptan range.”
Click here to access further product details on Bioneptan HT 100.