Celebrating its 25th anniversary on Saturday 29 February 2020, the event saw a spectacular celebration of Greek tradition and guests from more than 30 nationalities in attendance.
“On behalf of all the team at Total Lubmarine, we are delighted to have been able to attend and support this year’s event and join in the celebrations at the Hellenic Engineers Society special 25-year anniversary,” says Stuart Fuller, Global Brand Manager at Total Lubmarine. “With its friendly and engaging atmosphere, Greek entertainment and hospitality, the evening presented us with a great opportunity to meet our society’s friends old and new.”
From inception, the aim of the Hellenic Engineers Society has been to nurture and promote professional and social contact amongst its members and particularly younger members, newly positioned within the shipping industry. This is achieved by holding informal gatherings, providing a forum for exchanging views on technical matters and by organising numerous social and cultural events.
“For us The Hellenic Engineers' Society of Great Britain is a key foundation for our industry as it supports and promotes professional and social contact amongst shipping members and in particular newly appointed engineering professionals within the shipping industry. It is important we support the Society in its work to help and develop upcoming talent and the creation of knowledge that will ensure our sustainable shipping and maritime industry goes from strength to strength.”
The Society comprises of over 400 shipping professionals based primarily throughout the UK and Greece and has a number of high-ranking personnel employed by a number of Greek, British and global shipping companies, class societies, ship brokers and law companies.
Fuller says: “In the current challenging and complex environment, opportunities that spark conversations and which help us all to engage and discuss ideas are central to the shipping industry’s future and its sustainability. Attendance at this year’s event and our support of the Society helps all of us to share insight and drive awareness of our collective expertise to further support the global shipping community. We have a great amount of technical ‘know-how’ to contribute to customer operations in the Greek shipping community and globally, so it is a great opportunity to have been able to talk closely with members at the event.”
The endorsement and support of the event by major companies from across the world showed the importance of the Hellenic Engineers Society of Great Britain and the ongoing strength of the Greek London shipping community. The event’s programme was impressively packed with a multitude of companies also supporting and promoting services to global shipping clients.