You may wonder at first sight why the last of the World’s great 19th Century French Merchant Ships still sailing the seas today – the Belem – would require modern-day performance marine engine lubricants?
The Belem has a rich and fascinating history stretching back to 1896 when the three masted vessel made her maiden voyage, transporting sugar from the West Indies as well as cocoa and coffee from Brazil and French Guiana to Nantes. She later enjoyed grander roles as a private yacht for the 2nd Duke of Westminster and as a luxury ocean going family yacht for Sir Arthur Ernest Guinness of the famous Irish brewing family.
Today, Lubmarine is extremely proud to be supporting the continuing history of the Belem by sponsoring the vessel with supplies of its marine lubricants (mainly Disola, Visga, Epona Z and Ceran ranges), used on the Belem’s John Deere Marine engines – which are compulsory for powering her into and out of any port she visits and for anchorage operations.
And next May with the help of a young crew of people from across different French regions, the Belem will arrive in Athens to officially pick up the Olympic Flame. Once onboard, the flame will be carried on its return journey to Marseille and will continue overland to the Stade de France – the official Stadium of the 2024 Olympic games.
“The Belem is quite literally a French national treasure – having been listed as a historic monument in 2015. The work that the Belem Foundation – a not for profit organization - has done in supporting thousands of members of the public with a unique sailing experience over the last 4 decades cannot be underestimated. We are very proud to be playing our part by donating supplies of our marine lubricants for use aboard the Belem as well as our analysis services – especially given her Olympic voyage next year,” said Cécile Joannin, Brand Manager of Lubmarine.
To read more about Belem’s rich maritime history: click here
Click here to see courtesy of Fondation Belem's website.