Total Lubmarine has initiated a new programme for 2020 with the Ecole Nationale Superieure Maritime (ENSM) – the French Maritime Academy – to help provide further support in training and development for all its Merchant Marine Schools.
Known as MASP, Maritime Academy Support Programme, it brings together a series of new education and training courses to help improve awareness and insight on shipping related issues for Merchant Marine Officers. It offers bespoke workshops and general training courses.
Robert Joore, General Manager of Total Lubmarine, says: “We are wholly committed to supporting the marine engineers of the future and our alignment with ENSM for 2020 allows for our technical expertise and insight to help increase knowledge through training. Our dedicated teams of chemists and engineers have created a set of future-proof lubricants designed for today’s engines, fuel combinations and various applications. Importantly it is this knowledge that is helping to drive today’s sustainability goals and environmental needs across industry. I am personally delighted we are increasing our support for ENSM through the MASP programme as the expertise and knowledge from our experts can be applied in both the shipping and power generation industries. It is a great programme and we are proud to be a part of it.”
Since 2004, Total Lubmarine has partnered with six leading maritime academies to provide financial assistance to over 150 students through merit and need-based scholarships, events and training seminars. The company also support marine engineers' learning by supplying marine lubricants for a range of training institutions' test engines and equipment.
Caroline Gregoire, Managing Director of ENSM, says: “Total Lubmarine experts regularly visit our training sites to deliver conferences on the latest marine lubrication issues, trends in two and four-stroke engines, the outlook for the shipping markets and the implications of the latest environmental regulations. I am delighted they are increasing their support with Maritime Academic Support Program for 2020. All our training courses comply with maritime safety and security, commercial issues and sustainable development which require a high level of training from expertise within Total Lubmarine. We very much look forward to developing our relationship with Total, and the possibilities around implementing new research and more course activities that include aspects on sustainable development and maritime risk.”
ENSM provides high level training courses in maritime and paramaritime sectors to Merchant Marine Officers that need to further their knowledge on diesel engines, system and cylinder lubrication, drain oil analysis and environmentally acceptable lubricants. Total Lubmarine also sends marine engineers on-board customer vessels to increase the understanding and importance of training early on from cadet status to experienced engineer.
The signing of the new training agreement between Total Lubmarine and ENSM took place at Euromaritime 2020 in Marseille, France on 6 February 2020.